Most of the information people pick up comes from signs and signals. We live daily with multiple signals around us and consciously, or not, so we use them to increase our understanding of our environment, facilitating constant decision-making with a high degree of independence through Andon / visual control. What is Andon? Andon is an […]
Takt Time
Production adjusted to takt time The takt time is an indicator of the customer’s purchase frequency measured in seconds. For instance, Heijunka considers it as a target time to which the production system must adapt in order to meet customer expectations and set the pace of production. In order to stablish a Lean Manufacturing Program, […]
Kaizen / Continuous Improvement
What is Kaizen? Kaizen means continuous improvement. The origin of the word is from Japanese: Kai: reduce, set aside, modify or change Zen: judge, do well or do better Kaizen is the central learning tool in all companies and involves continuous improvement in work practices, staff efficiency, and the arrangement of desks within the office. […]
Lean Manufacturing
What is Lean Manufacturing? Lean Manufacturing is a continuous and systematic production methodology. It involves the identification and elimination of activities that do not add value in a process but do involve cost and effort. The main philosophy behind Lean Manufacturing is based on the premise “everything can be done better“. That is to say, […]