Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri The Big Idea – Align company goals (Strategy) with the plans of middle management (Tactics) and work performed by employees (Operations) to ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction at the same time. WHAT IS HOSHIN KANRI IMPLEMENTING HOSHIN KANRI ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS WHAT IS HOSHIN KANRI? Hoshin Kanri (also called Policy Deployment) […]

Agile Manufacturing

Agile Manufacturing The Big Idea – Manufacturers can achieve a significant structural advantage over offshore competitors by leveraging proximity to local markets to deliver new and highly personalized products with unprecedented speed. WHAT IS AGILE MANUFACTURING? WHY IS IT EFFECTIVE? KEY ELEMENTS RELATIONSHIP TO LEAN IS AGILE FOR ME? WHAT IS AGILE MANUFACTURING? Let’s take a […]

Improve Production Today

Improve Production Today The Big Idea – Amazing improvements in productivity can be achieved through small daily increments. Each day, ask three simple questions (one each for Information, Decision, and Action) that lead to one specific action. IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY THREE SIMPLE STEPS THREE SIMPLE QUESTIONS TOP TIPS IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY A highly successful plant manager once said […]

Top 25 Lean Tools

Top 25 Lean Tools The Big Idea – Lean has a very extensive collection of tools and concepts. Surveying the most important of these, understanding both what they are and how they can help is an excellent way to get started. EXPLORING LEAN 25 ESSENTIAL LEAN TOOLS EXPLORING LEAN There are a lot of great ideas […]

The Essence of Lean

The Essence of Lean The Big Idea – In order to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability, focus relentlessly on eliminating all aspects of the manufacturing process that add no value from your customer’s perspective. OVERVIEW SEVEN DEADLY WASTES AN EIGHTH DEADLY WASTE OVERVIEW The core idea of lean manufacturing is actually quite simple…relentlessly work on eliminating […]

The Essence of Lean manufacturing

The Big Idea – In order to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability, focus relentlessly on eliminating all aspects of the manufacturing process that add no value from your customer’s perspective. OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The core idea of lean manufacturing is actually quite simple…relentlessly work on eliminating waste from the manufacturing process. So, what is waste? It can […]

Lean Glossary

Lean Glossary DEFINITIONS 5S Organize the work area: Sort (eliminate that which is not needed) Set In Order (organize remaining items) Shine (clean and inspect work area) Standardize (write standards for above) Sustain (regularly apply the standards) Andon Visual feedback system for the plant floor that indicates production status, alerts when assistance is needed, and […]

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